Early fundraising divides the democratic field between havens and have-nots


"I am thrilled that campaigns are finally embracing the value and return on investment of digital advertising," said Tara McGowan, a non-aligned Democratic digital strategist in the primary. "It's a long time coming."

President Trump's campaign and his joint fundraising committees with the Republican National Committee have continued to overtake spending by online Democrats, particularly on Facebook, where they spent $ 4 million this year, according to commercials.

Trump continues to direct campaign spending to companies with which he is linked, a practice that has drawn criticism. Among his expenses of $ 378,000, there was $ 215,000 for space in his seaside resort of Mar-a-Lago in March and $ 112,000 in rent for Trump Tower.

Fundraising reports also provide new details about the donors from which fundraisers are being raised.

Most donors donated less than $ 200 (84% of the total funds raised) to Mr. Sanders, as did Ms. Warren (70%). Both have vowed to participate in in-camera fundraisers that have long been an essential part of the presidential circuit. Ms. Gillibrand, Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey and former Governor John Hickenlooper of Colorado were the most dependent on larger contributors, with smaller donors providing less than 20% of their funds raised.

Ms. Harris led the pack with $ 7.6 million in contributions of more than $ 200, surpassing her closest competitor by $ 3.3 million. It raised approximately $ 3.9 million from donors, who donated between $ 2,700 (maximum contribution in the last election cycle) and $ 2,800 (new legal limit).

Mr. Buttigieg raised $ 2.5 million from larger donors in the first quarter. Several connected fundraisers, including Orin Kramer, a long-time fundraiser and founder of hedge funds, have recently pledged to help Buttigieg.


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