50% WHO HAD: BSC sold 30% of rights to Erick Castillo


PHOTOGRAPH: Christian Carrasco, Radio caravana

Source: StudioFútbol

Monday night, the footballer Erick Castillo went on Mexican soil, since he will join Xolos de Tijuana at Mexico.

] The Sporting Club of Barcelona wished the football player a lot of luck. It should be noted that "La Culebra" was bought in 2014 by the "yellows".

"Only 50% was purchased as stated in the badignment of the second-tier club North America.The player owns the other 50% of his pbad.He's not a canterano," explained Aquiles Álvarez a few days ago

And on Tuesday morning, the same manager, for the microphones of SPORTS specified: "The thing of Castillo was 30% of the 50% that Barcelona has." [19659003] Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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