Zelaya sympathizes with Correa, sued in case of kidnapping


ARCHIVER | TEG01 SAN PEDRO SULA (HONDURAS) 31/5/09 – The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa (d), today, May 31, 2009, welcomes his Honduran counterpart Manuel Zelaya (i) to his arrival at the Presidential House. on official visit to this Central American country .EFE / Gustavo Amador

The former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya (2006-2009) expressed his solidarity with the former Ecuadorian governor Rafael Corea that the Court National Justice of his country imposed preventive detention after being linked to the case of the abduction of the ex-legislator Fernando Balda in Bogotá, 2012.

" Solidaridad Correa: A new offensive full of infamy and slander is unleashed against President Rafael Correa ", he says on his Twitter account Zelaya, overthrown by a coup in 2009.

The former Honduran leader said that "with the people of Honduras and & 90 39 39 39 Latin America "strongly condemns this hunt and its perpetrators.

Judge Daniella Camacho accepted the request of the Attorney General of the State, Paúl Pérez and on Tuesday ordered the preventive detention of the former president, for investigation purposes, in addition to a request to Interpol to locate Correa, who resides in Belgium with his family since last year

Preventive detention has was ordained by Camacho at a special hearing examining the precautionary measures imposed on [ Correa on June 18 after being wine criminally charged with the abduction of l & # 39; 39, ex-legislator Fernando Balda in Bogotá, August 2012.

The Ecuadorian President said today that this arrest warrant is part of a "conspiracy" policy that was already known

On June 18, the former president was linked to the attempt to kidnap Balda, a case already tried in Colombia that took place the night of August 13, 2012, when he was approached by five people, four men and a woman, who violently introduced him into a vehicle

Balda was rescued by the Colombian police after an hour and a half, thanks to the call of a taxi driver.

The attempt to kidnap who was and is a fervent opponent of Correa is interpreted by relatives of the former president as a means of his critics to execute a supposed revenge for the policies that their have hurt during their ten years of government, between 2007 and 2017. EFE

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