ATTENTION: The punishment of Sub 18 of Catholics has been rendered ineffective


Source: StudioFútbol

The Catholic University Club decided to announce through its Twitter account that it withdrew the penalty that weighed on its category Sub 18 after the unfortunate incidents where a triple was attacked

In his social network, the 'Chatoleí & # 39; reported that the Federal Court of Appeal decided to annul the decision to exclude Catholic from the National Under-18 Tournament.

On May 23, the Executive Committee made the decision that nearly a month and a half later, it was overthrown by the entity affiliated with youth team can participate again in the contest.

The club @UCatolicaEC reports that the court of appeal annuls the sanction of the category # Sous18 #FEF ???? pic. twitter .com / YbTSQ4UtRN [19659008] – U. OFFICIAL CATHOLIC (@UCatolicaEC) July 4, 2018

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