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& # 39; Sensory Geographies & # 39; contains drawings, installations and videos. It is posted in the CCBC.

A scrap yard, a vacant lot and an abandoned house are some of the places that inspired Karen Heredia's new exhibit.

Serene illustrations of nature mingle with disturbing portraits of half-ruined buildings. Images, stripped of people, transmit calmness and desolation in equal measure.

Through black and white drawings of Quito's different spaces, the artist invites the viewer to reflect on the sensations provoked by everyday places.

The sensory geographies are exhibited at the Benjamín Carrión Cultural Center.

Heredia began her exploration of the sensory field of urban spaces two and a half years ago, with a photographic project based on a book by French anthropologist Marc Augé, about places and not places. Later, another university project led her to draw her neighborhood in postcard format.

For this exhibition, the 23-year-old artist decided to gather what she had learned in both works. As a starting point, he selected five places on the daily route that he followed by bus from his home to his university.

The goal of the Quito artist was to express the sensations she felt when she noticed unusual, though daily, points in the city. "It becomes a routine in which every day you see the same streets, the same avenues," he reflected.

The installation
The drawings, installed on a zigzag table simulate a tour for the public. "Heredia's drawings simulate postcards.As he explains," the meaning of the postcard is to take the memory of where you are to another person. "

C & # This is precisely what he seeks to convey. "Thanks to this exhibition, I tell you how I see the place where we live," he says, in addition to the drawings, "Sensorial Geographies". includes a calligram and a video that function as key elements of the creative process.

While developing her project, Heredia went several times to the chosen places and documented them in a silent video, projected in a room apart from the rest of installation.

The calligraphy, presented as the silhouette of the Pichincha volcano, contains thoughts that the artist recorded during his journey. "It's my literary narrative and the drawings are my narrative graphic. " (DLH)

The artist [1 9659007] ° Karen Heredia studied at the Catholic University of Ecuador (CECU). Throughout his career, he has participated in seven group exhibitions nationwide. & # 39; Sensory geographies & # 39; is his first solo exhibition.



° Metropolitan Park
° Abandoned house in the Mitad del Mundo
° Former football field on Amazonas Avenue where an amusement park now operates
° Abandoned lot on Amazonas Avenue, behind the Military College.
° Scraps of scrap at Miraflores [19659022] [ad_2]
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