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The representative of the Poetic Generation of Fifty died at the age of 85 years.

Cuban writer Rafael Alcides, considered one of the last poets alive on the island, died in Havana at the age of 85 after having lived more than two years decades outside public life and without being published in his native country.

Alcides (Bayamo, 1933) considered himself an "insiliado" inside Cuba and died of a cancer that he had suffered for several years.

It belonged to the second clbad of the so-called poetic generation of Fifty, with Fayad Jamís, Pablo Armando Fernández and Antón Arrufat, almost all the cultivators of the familiar language.

His first published poems are "Mountain Hymns" (1961), "Gitana" (1962) and "The Pata de Palo" (1967)

In the late 1960s, the first of the Cuban Revolution in power, Alcides decided for the first time to withdraw from the cultural scene of the island.

He returned to the Cuban publishing system, it is entirely such, twenty years later, with what would be his most recognized work: "Grateful as a dog "(1983), with which he became the reference poet for Cubans born in the second half of the twentieth century. [19659003Theofthemembershouldbeconsideredbyitspairsas"a"counter-revolutionary"workthat"theheatofamankind"expressedthatwasopensurethiself"hereceivesfromblessuresordistress"andthepoeticpoemVirgilioLópezLemus

His latest texts published in Cuba were" Noche en el recuerdo "(1989)," Y mueren, y volver, y mueren "(1989) and" Nadie "(1993). EFE

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