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The road crosses 18 cities in Ecuador and Peru, where the "liberator" went into exile.

The route leaves from Quito, where was born Manuela Sáenz, until Paita (Peru), where he died after the exile to which President Vicente Rocafuerte submitted it.

This way claims to recall the important role that this woman has in the history of America. In addition, it is possible to know the landscapes, customs, gastronomy, tourist and historical sites that each of the cities through which it has pbaded.

The initiative arose in the government of Pichincha, for about seven years, he recalled vice prefect Marcela Costales. Just as the symbolic remains of Sáenz were moved from Paita (Peru) to the Heroes Cemetery in Caracas (Venezuela). There, they were set up with Simón Bolívar, but after crossing five districts of Peru, 12 provinces of Ecuador and seven municipalities of Colombia.

This trip, built with the work of the Peruvian municipal and regional authorities, meant to increase it, in the case of the city Mitad del Mundo in Quito, by 3% of the tourists. In addition, the visit of Ecuadorians to Paita has increased, which has favored hotels, restaurants, museums, crafts, shopping malls, among others, detailed Costales.

On the route between Quito and Paita, which runs the road, enjoys unique panoramas, says Costales.

Long trip
The current route between Quito and Paita, highway, it includes 852 km. It takes about 22 hours, but if the road includes all the towns and villages of the crossing of Manuela, it takes three days

The route starts at the Carita de Dios, in the house Manuela (north of urbe) , today transformed into a museum that shows his personal belongings. You will visit the Historic Center and its churches, as well as the Middle City of the World.

Manuela Sáenz Aizpuru was a patriot of Quito, recognized as the heroine of the Independence of South America.
Continuation to Latacunga (Cotopaxi), land of Mama Negra, hallullas and chugchucaras; It crosses Pujilí, where the dancer appears in the celebration of Corpus Christi which takes place at the end of May. Here, the Tigua painters stand out and there is Quilotoa lagoon

Guano (Chimborazo), famous for "cholas" (sweet panela bread), carpets and for being the seat of millenary cultures like the one of Tuncahuán, of which there are vestiges. It pbades by Riobamba, installed at the foot of Chimborazo, owner of the Chimborazo wildlife production reserve and from where a train departs. The next destination is Chambo, with its people dedicated to farming, breeding and producing tiles and bricks. Colta is reached, there is the church of Balbanera, the first built on Ecuadorian soil.

Then comes Guaranda (Bolívar), "The city of the seven hills", in which takes place the famous carnival in February. The tour continues through Chimbo, famous for the development of activities such as armory, pyrotechnics and pottery.

The road continues towards San Miguel and Chillanes, towns that are characterized by houses with colonial charm, in which the Serrano-costeño style and are in the transition zone between the Sierra and the coast.

While the parish of Bilován, which also saw Saenz pbading through, has its place in history because there was the Camino Real Combat, on November 9, 1820. This gave rise to the independence of the other cities of the

To the coast
The route followed by Manuela Sáenz was done by Babahoyo (Los Ríos). There, the floating houses built on the river of the same name and the rodeo montuvio attract tourists. It continued through Guayaquil, which is today the most populous city in the country and among its attractions is the Malecón 2000, the district of Las Peñas, the Santa Ana hill among other sites that attract visitors. He also crossed Chacras, a small parish of Arenillas (El Oro), in which a monument was built.

He crossed to Peru and crossed Tumbes, a town 30 km from the border with Ecuador, where its beaches, like Punta Sal, forests and mangroves. He arrived in Zorritos, city famous for its spas like Punta Camarón, which has a fine golden sand and a crystal clear sea. In addition, it was through Los Pinos, Bocapán and the hive that has temperate waters. It was in Máncora, very visited by its white sand beaches conducive to surfing, kitesurfing, diving and fishing; until it reaches Paita, located in the extreme north-west of Peru and considered the most important port after El Callao. It retains its colonial style, its old mansions and its churches that welcomed Manuela Sáenz and saw her die on November 23, 1856, at the age of 61. (CM)

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