The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The Origin
A small plastic sewing machine is one of many memories related to the birth of "Little Books & Toys." Pamela Flores keeps it with love, because it was a gift from her husband when they both made the decision to venture into the world of cloth things. He laughs when he says that although he looks like a toy, it was the tool with which he learned to shape his books.

His business is three years old, as is his son Ariel. In fact, his motivation to start the business was to share more time with him. Prior to this adventure, she worked as a human talent manager in a company and her hours of work extended to the night.

As in a textile design studio, pieces of cloth, woolen tbadels, threads and tapes are everywhere. The sound of the two sewing machines (today's industrial) is complemented by a joyous music, which features what was once the family dining room.

To make themselves known, they participated in several fairs, faced many challenges and received a prize. Flores remembers nights spent sleepless because he was making orders. At that time, it was she who sewed, advertised, sold, delivered, answered the phone. She knows that is the life of entrepreneurs who have never learned to give up, especially when there is something in which pbadions are combined, she has always loved craftsmanship and the education of children.

This year, in the workshop new challenges are being generated, one of them is to develop into a new space. The creator of & # 39; Small Books & Toys & # 39; admits that more support is needed for entrepreneurs to continue to develop their dreams. (PCV)


& # 39; Small book & toys & # 39;

Three years on the market, here are the lessons learned and tips from his creator's entrepreneurship:

Lessons Learned
° You have to think about the packaging. Normally we pay attention to the product and forget that the presentation is what attracts visually.

It is important to have the administrative bases of the project. The business plan and the marketing plan are the elements that will help you grow.

° Create your image to differentiate yourself from others.

° The most important is the customer. From his first contact until he receives the product, he provokes an experience in him.
Specialized. That they know you to be the specialist of your area. For example, Little is an education specialist

Related Notes

Entrepreneurs design toys for all in Ecuador

THE HORA: "Monta tu Camello", a space for the entrepreneurs

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