The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Although "parents" or "mothers" are the ones who acquire the product, Núñez says that it is easy to attract the attention of the hairs because, among the carpets, tiles and synthetic floors, they will always prefer smell and texture

The price of Guaupad is 19.99 plus the cost of shipping to any part of the country .
Up to now they have had customers using Guaupad since they are opening up and others who have taken a little more time but who end up occupying it. The key, according to the entrepreneur, is patience and training based on positive reinforcements.

"It's like any learning process," says the 27-year-old and gives as an example the tactic of teaching a dog not to ride on a piece of furniture or to not not escape when the door is open. One of the recommendations is that the dog is directed to the lawn for 10 minutes after meals. This is the moment when he will relieve himself. After that, all that remains is to give prices when things are going well. This includes hugs, congratulations and sweets that will result in accelerated queuing. (PCV)

Entrepreneurial Pbadion
° Guaupad has a year on the market. Here are the lessons and tips from its creators:

Lessons Learned
"Let yourself be advised by more experienced people in the market in which you venture. Listen to the suggestions of your customers. At first, they asked us to distribute the product in physical stores and not only on the Internet. We could have done it before.

Tips on Entrepreneurship

° Sells experiences, feelings and feelings.

° Always listen to your customers and understand their real needs.

° Trust your product. In this way, you will be able to convey what you offer better.

° Web call.

° Watch the video version on Twitter and Facebook: La Hora Ecuador.

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