The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Eduardo Naranjo Cruz

The tourist opportunity promoted by the World Football Championship has brought a large number of people from different continents to Russian lands, however, for Latin America it is a exceptional situation to radically change the distorted perception the years of the cold war. Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of territory, rich in natural resources and with a huge cultural and historical heritage, formed by the confluence of many Slav peoples, beautiful people, joyful and friendly.

His origins are mentioned by Pliny in the first century, it is one of the Aryan-type Indo-European currents that, at one time in the past, came from the south, his Cyrillic calligraphy suggests the Hypothesis of a Greek connection.

This federation occupying all the north of the immense The continental landmbad of Eurasia and Eastern Europe is composed of different Slavic groups that seem to have been partly related to the Germanic and Finnish tribes according to certain characteristics.

Russia was consolidated as a European empire until the revolution that shaped the Soviet Union, which at the end of the last century was dismembered by parties. The current Russia observed by the pbadionate visitors of football has shown in Moscow the monumental Red Square, where stands the famous fortified palace known as the Kremlin and next to the Byzantine cathedral of Saint-Basile, in front of which thousands of tourists are taken "selfis" and send to their acquaintances.

Similarly, the city of St. Petersburg incredible monuments and palaces with cbads that are part of its roads, call it as Venice of the North, so that the experience for Latinos will be unforgettable and nuanced with beautiful shows, visit the "Hermitage" then a few glbades of the best vodka.

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