They submit an invoice for the recovery of capital


The President of the National Assembly of Ecuador, Elizabeth Cabezas today presented an organic draft law on the recovery of capital in order to allow citizens to actively participate in the fight against corruption

The project presented at an event in which Julio César Trujillo, President of the Council of Citizen Participation and Transitional Social Control (CPCCS-t), Jorge Rodríguez , President of the Anti-Corruption Commission and According to Cabezas, the project responds "to the clamor of citizens who demand greater action against corruption" .

The Speaker of the Assembly estimated that these "The misused money is used to continue to corrupt. Therefore, the recovery of diverted resources is a key step to break the vicious circle of corruption ", said a statement of the Assembly.

"We start a new era in the fight against corruption!", He wrote Cabezas on his Twitter profile when he reported on the delivery of the bill "that gives citizens the power to actively participate in this fight. "

Part of the project mentions the possibility of revitalizing citizen participation by allowing citizens to present cases that support indications of corruption.

These cases will be qualified by the CPCCS, to ensure a serious process, to prevent the distortion of the law, to make it a tool of persecution, underlines the writing.

According to the project, surveys that follow the road of money will be executed by specialized technical teams, accredited before the CPCCS.

The ipos will have a multidisciplinary nature, so they will have professionals in different fields, such as lawyers, financiers, economists, real estate, petrochemistry, among others, said the document.

According to Cabezas, the bill does not oppose it "Moreover, as this is not a judicial process, there will be no opportunity counterclaims, and the protection and reserve of all complainants will be badured " he added. EFE

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