The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The resolution was supported by the ruling party and the opposition parties. The Correistas could not block it.

The Assembly yesterday approved a resolution rejecting the statements of the presidents of Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who defended the former president Rafael Correa, prosecuted for the l & # 39; 39, abduction of Fernando Balda. The text considers that the two leaders aim to sow doubt about the independence of the judiciary in Ecuador and to attack its institutionality.

The resolution was approved by 85 votes of the ruling party and opposition parties after almost an hour of debate. Correista's lawmakers did not support the resolution.

Juan Cárdenas, one of them, came to dismiss as "absurdity" the motion presented by Byron Suquilanda, of CREO. And the criticism was joined by the socialist Silvia Salgado, who declined to refer to the comments made by the two leaders in their social media accounts.

votes were in favor of the resolution
But Ximena Peña, coordinator of the PAIS bench, lambasted her former partners for her position. He blamed them that for two weeks they had "filled their mouths with sovereignty" when US Vice President Mike Pence was received at the government palace. "We can not have this double talk," he concluded.

At the request of César Rohón (PSC), an article was included in the rejection of a statement by the Venezuelan Embbady in Quito, which criticized the June 20 members of the US Embbady. Assembly for having received the former mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma, persecuted by the regime of Chavez

The discussion was held without incident, unlike the session last Thursday where he there was a crossword between María José Carrión (AP)) and his ex-companions Marcela Aguiñaga and Gabriela Rivadeneira

The plenary session seemed different, since the 28 correctors and 44 correlated to Moreno were separated into two blocks. Among the supporters of Correa, there was even candy. "We are already in our own parish," said Gabriela Rivadeneira. Carrión arrived at his new position, raising his two thumbs. (RVD)

The Resolution

Its Terms

° Reject the statements made by Morales and Maduro, considering that they are questioning the actions of the ° Emphasize that Ecuador is a State of law and constitutional justice and that in its international relations it upholds the principles of self-determination of peoples, non-interference and sovereignty. [Lajusticeéquatorienneenpleineagressioncontrel'institutionnalitédémocratiquedel'Etat19659017] ° Refuse the terms of a communication signed by the Venezuelan Ambbadador to Quito, Carol Delgado, June 20.

° Express the desire for a speedy resolution of this diplomatic stalemate.

° Send a copy of this resolution to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a view to adopting the necessary measures.

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