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The Israeli project began eight years ago and SpaceIL has invested some $ 88.5 million (75.2 million euros) in its development.

In November, the small ship will be taken to Cape Canaveral (United States), where preparations will begin to attach to the Falcon 9 commercial rocket, which will come out of the atmosphere and is expected to reach its goal by mid-February 2019.

"When the aircraft reaches the point of landing will be completely autonomous," explained SpaceIL's director, Ido Anteby. "The engine will brake and the plane will descend at zero speed for a smooth landing."

"Then we will place the Israeli flag on the moon," he concluded with a smile.

Once on the lunar floor, the device will experiment with the Weizman Scientific Institute measuring the magnetic field of the moon, it will take pictures, record videos "and even make a selfi", says he.

When the mission is over, two days after his arrival, the ship will remain on the lunar surface "waiting for the new generations to pick it up," Weis said, noting that, although "the road to the moon does not exist." is not easy, space is the future of Humanity ".

He was finalist of the contest
The ship, which has not yet been named, is small: one and a half meters in height and its diameter, when its feet are extended, it is 2 meters.

At the time of its launch, it will weigh about 600 kilos, but when it reaches the moon, it will lose 75% of its weight, since it will have spent fuel.

SpaceIL was one of the five finalists of the XPRIZE lunar competition, convened by Google in 2007, which would reward $ 30 million ($ 25.5 million) to who sent the first ship unmanned private to the moon.

Although the contest has officially ended without winning at the end of March this year, after several extensions, the competition continues although without the economic endowment

Objective [19659003 Making History

° The Israeli organization SpaceIL SpaceIL continued with his project, funded primarily by millionaire businessman, Morris Khan, who insisted that & ### 39, they "make history".

° In the same way that "everyone remembers the day [Neil] Armstrong set foot on the moon, we will always remember where we were when Israel reached the moon," said Khan

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