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LOJA editorial

The Extraordinary Session of the Lojano Chapter by which the Revoked Mayor, José Bolívar Castillo Vivanco, intended to seek the authorization of the Councilors to "make use of his unplayed vacation for the space of 40 days from Thursday, July 12, 2018", have finally not taken place.

The meeting was convened at 11:00 am today, Wednesday 11 In July, however, a few minutes before that date, Loja's advisers received a communication signed by José Bolívar Castillo Vivanco as Mayor of Loja, where the suspension was announced.

In the document, the revoked authority indicated that it was suspending the appeal for "the embarrbading interpretation of several opposition counselors " what "created a social unrest, through some local media, by adopting the administrative alternative to enjoy the holidays, as an option to get away from the mayor's duties …"

This decision to suspend the extraordinary session of the City Council was welcomed by the councilors against Castillo Vivanco. In total, six of them announced that they would not participate in the session, considering that it lacked legality and that they had not not filled in the quorum necessary to do so. Mercy Jaramillo, mayor of this group, said it was not the pressure of the opposition councilors that had forced Castillo Vivanco to suspend the session, but the pressure of the people who ruled in favor of his dismissal.

For his part, Councilor Wilmer Villamagua, a relative of Castillo Vivanco, mentioned that the mayor's request to revoke public holidays has legality. However, he says that the five councilors close to him suggested that, because of the unrest generated, he should suspend the extraordinary session of the Cabildo. (JGN)

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