The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The representative of the United Nations criticized femicides, child abuse and teen pregnancy.

Ecuador has a lot of debt. But there is one in particular: he has been unable to reduce violence against children, adolescents and women. It has also not been able to combat femicides and high levels of teenage pregnancy. Yesterday, said Arnaud Peral, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Ecuador.

Peral proposed, in collaboration with the national authorities, a press conference during which the scope of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was explained. These findings will be presented Monday in New York, at the UN.

girls became pregnant between 2009 and 2016.
Of the indicators that will be included, for example, that 126,000 people have left the extreme poverty in 2017; that between 2014 and 2017, the percentage of dwellings connected to the public sewage system increased from 64.1% to 66%; or that the "Casa para todos" social housing program is implemented. Peral said that it's a good balance, but that the report should be a starting point for rethinking the issues that affect the country. "Teenage pregnancies with a growing number among girls between 10 and 14 years old," said the official.

The Problem
The country has legislation to prevent and punish the problems of violence: the Constitution, the Penal Code, the Code of Childhood and Adolescence, the law against Violence Against Women …

Femicide has been registered so far this year.
However, the numbers are convincing. In several reports published by Diario La Hora, this reality is exposed: from 2009 to 2016, 17,448 girls under 14 became pregnant; 21.4% of children and adolescents have been victims of some form or other badual abuse; 1,623 cases were reported in the education system.

And there is more: 119 children died violently, including suicides, in 2016; 21 violent deaths of children registered by the Ministry of the Interior since 2017. As regards violence against women, 51 feminicides were recorded in 2018, leaving 62 children orphaned, according to the registers. of the Ecumenical Commission on Human Rights (Cedhu). A woman dies every 86 hours

of children and adolescents have been victims of badual abuse.
"The laws exist, I think we have to move to the attitudes and one of the issues that the government is working on is the incorporation, not only the curriculum, but in the educational processes of how to prevent these. situations, "said José Agusto, National Secretary of Planning and Development

Meanwhile, the UN representative said that prevention is present in public policies, highlighting the Women's Protection Act, which has was one of the first approved during the administration of Lenin Moreno. "We now have challenges to implement this law and it will have to be an effort of the whole society," he said.

He added that it is essential to work on issues of coexistence, with families and with schools, to solve these serious problems. (HCR)

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