Ecuador inaugurates the highway for more than 134 million dollars


Santo Domingo (Santo Domingo de Tsáchilas), July 3, 2018.- The President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno, witnessed the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Development Bank of á. Latin America (CAF) and the Secretariat National Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Senescyt) for the creation of the University of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Photo: Fredy Constant / Presidency of the Republic

The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno today inaugurated the enlargement and the improvement of the a highway in the province of Azuay, in the south of the country, with an investment of more than 134 million dollars

Of 42 kilometers long, the road connects the cities of Cuenca, Azogues and Biblián and has six lanes (three per direction), central lawn, fourteen pedestrian bridges and one car. " This road will allow the accident rate to drastically decrease ," Moreno stated in his speech, pointing out that in many cases they are registered due of inadequate signage.

It is estimated that the direct beneficiaries of the road will exceed the 500 inhabitants of the three cities and nearly one million more people crossing the province.

" This work allows us to bring the cities in. We deliver works that connect lives ," said Minister of Transport and Public Works Boris Palacios.

The road is in Azuay Road Plan, with which the authorities seek to improve, improve and optimize the road network of the province. EFE


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