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The Assembly's casual commissions begin to collapse, amidst the lack of results and criticism from their own members. Yesterday, in plenary, three of the 16 members of the Board of Directors who were created in August 2017 resigned to coordinate, evaluate and oversee the implementation of the responsibilities of the Transit Advisory Council.

This is Marcia Arregui and Sonia Palacios, from Alianza PAIS, and Patricio Donoso, from CREO. They argued that they have complications to continue to participate, because on several occasions the schedules of the sessions are opposed to the other committees of which they are a part

The decision was applauded by Freddy Alarcón, of the Patriotic Society , acknowledging that "many times" the meetings did not take place for lack of quorum. "

" I would like to see a review of the help, not only within this committee, but also for those who can stay there, "he insisted, while the official Norma Vallejo suggested that everyone's work be evaluated.

Problems of this kind were also raised by the Commission set up in April for border security, in the afternoon it was to meet, but at the time of the convening, there were only 6 of the 19 members, Eliceo Azuero, from the block of the national integration, and one of its members, decided to ren add to the qualification of "little transcendent" to the work accomplished up to here.

He was joined by Christian Socialist Roberta Zambrano, who called it a "waste of time". "The development of this Table."

The mission was to develop reforms to the Public Safety Act, but almost all members agree that there is no progress, except its president, Fernando Yávar, who believes that there will be a text until October.

occasional commissions formed the Assembly in the current period.
The Sociale Christian Paola Vintimilla and Rene Yandún, former ID, thought that the question should come back to the Committee on International Relations. "We are already immersed in the subject, we have quarterly meetings with ministers," said Vintimilla.

The first victim is that of the official Cesar Litardo, who left her two weeks ago to be part of the Commission documents relating to the murder of Jorge Gabela

What to do?
As an alternative "to try to fix the problem all of the occasional commissions ", the independent Fernando Burbano proposed that the Plenary authorize to reduce the number to nine" It would be desirable that they are not more than seven, but I understand that to get a representation of all political groups, this could be nine, "he said. He also suggested that this be evaluated by the Legislative Administration Council (CAL).

For its part, the correísta Marcela Aguiñaga, president of the Commission of Justice, asked for a better coordination, by the Secretariat of the Assembly. (RVD)

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