The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Kleber Mantilla Cisneros

The sacrosanct world of football demands to invent and draw the beauty of the sport. The dream of reaching the final of a World Cup is painted as the moving image of the Platonic eternity and this something to measure, ponder and express the story to through collective ecstasy. A memorable moment of eleven players against eleven who build the best verses until they reach fame.

A game that does not have the logic of war but courage, the greatest collective euphoria, the enormous game play, the last minute goal that will transform the atmosphere in a magic and unreal pbadion.

Croatia is seeking revenge for France in 1998 and anything can happen. The dynamic show Mario Mandzurik, and the unnoticed Kylan Mbappé, will soon shine in the splendor of the marketing of the pbades. If it is to record a childhood desire in a stadium, the zero hour has arrived when the fans become children wearing a T-shirt when they see a tribe impetuous control the ball. A ritual with theatrical expressions from the depths to record embedded and intrepid characters.

All this despite a dishonest FIFA, an extreme organizer, systemic, absolutist, hoarder and autocratic. A competition where Ecuador was ruled out because it confused a mediocre populism and the universality of its forms, the pathetic control of the mafias to particular interests, the evil of infecting identities and of d & rsquo; Mortgage the future with lies and half-truths until stifling football culture.

Benedetti in his new "Pointer Left" recreates the marriage of football and his mafia, the end of a championship, match arrangements and rumors of the sports press. Camus says that "the best scorer of a championship is the greatest poet of the year". Daniel Samper Pizano glimpses human imbecility by explaining a goal with the detail that unleashes any scenario of racism, xenophobia, stereotyping and lasting machismo

"La Nausea & # 39; of Sartre and 'Metamorphosis & # 39; Kafka's are parallel art works that are badembled on a court.

[email protected] @klebermantillac

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