The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Three Ecuadorian films will be screened in the "Semana de Bolívar", an annual celebration organized by the Simón Bolívar Andean University (UASB) to commemorate this character from Latin American history, known as of Liberator, for the role that played in the independence of several nations in the region, including Ecuador.

The duties will be on July 16, 17 and 18, at 18:30, in the auditorium of the UASB, with free admission. & # 39; Huahua & # 39 ;, & quot; Ukamau & Ke & # 39; and & # 39; Cenizas & # 39; are the films that will be screened

& # 39; Huahua & # 39;

The film is directed by director Joshi Espinosa and producer Citlalli Andrango. It will be screened on Monday 16. The story follows a couple of young natives who are expecting a baby

Concerned about how they will educate the child to come, the mother returns to her natal Otavalo to the search of its origins; while the father remains in Quito busy working issues. The film looks at Aboriginal identity in the contemporary world.

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