The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Rodrigo Santillán Peralbo

Russia is the largest country in the world. The 2018 World Championship, full of surprises, has been the opportunity for millions of people to experience human warmth, exquisite culture and art, hospitality, kindness, generosity and the strength of people who deeply love their country, as well as peace support its development and progress in all areas of human life.

Moscow, St Petersburg, Kazan, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Saransk and Yekaterinburg marveled with modern stadiums hosting the games organized by FIFA. The exhilarating joy and admiration for this unknown Russia characterized visitors from all countries, ethnicities, religions and cultures.

How not to be surprised by the Red Square in Moscow, where is the Kremlin, seat of the government and located in the heart of Moscow, facing the Moskva, or the mausoleum of Lenin, the tomb of the unknown soldier with his eternal flame, St. Basil's Cathedral or the magnificent Bolshoi Theater.

St. Petersburg is a Russian port on the Baltic Sea, but it is also the cultural center of Russia with the ultramodern Mariinsky Theater, the Hermitage Museum, the Peterehof Palace, the Palace of Winter or Peter and Paul Fortress.

Sochi is the second longest city in the world. Its coast stretches for nearly 150 kilometers. It is a beautiful spa, located on the shores of the Black Sea, off the Turkish coast. Yekaterinburg, at the foot of the Ural Mountains, extends between Europe and Asia. Because of its natural beauty, its buildings and its exceptional culture and technological development, it is a candidate for the Universal Exhibition Fair to be held in 2025. Will Ecuador vote for this city?

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