The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Editorial PARIS


The feat of "blues" gained the popular splendor in Paris, a day after it became real in Moscow. The world champions have proved the fervor that France won at the World Cup, applauded by hundreds of thousands of people on the Champs-Elysees en route to the presidential palace.

Before receiving the congratulations of the President, Emmanuel Macron of the entire nation, it was an important part that cheered them on, as they did 20 years ago with their predecessors. The Griezmanns, Mbappé and the company received the same mbad bath, in the same scenario that took the troupe of Zidane and Desailly in 1998.

The link between the two triumphant teams was Didier Deschamps, captain and then , selector now, transformed into an icon of a nation that wins, over forms, a sport whose end almost always justifies the means.

A sign of the times, where security takes place every day. More importantly, especially in a country rife with terrorism, the convertible bus ride made the "blue" one. far from the fans, separated by an impressive police deployment, unlike their predecessors, who sailed among thousands of people who could touch them with their own hands.

So it was a drab parade, something cold in front of thousands of people who had been waiting hours and hours under a sun of justice to be able to cheer their heroes, so no matter the huge backlog because the night party in Russia was over too late.

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