The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Brussels, EFE

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and the European Union (EU) today called for the holding of "free and fair elections" but without explicit mention of States like Nicaragua and Venezuela whose crises survived the meeting

"We reaffirm our commitment to continue working together to promote democracy through free and fair elections, respect for the rule of law and the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all peoples ", reads in the final communiqué of the meeting of EU Foreign Ministers and Celac

. in Brussels on Monday and Tuesday the possibility of including in the declaration allusions to the Venezuelan crisis and that of Nicaragua, which has already left at least 351 dead according to various sources s diplomatic, but finally abandoned.

Costa Rica Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Epsy Campbell said in an interview with Efe on Monday that the ministerial declaration should include "an explicit paragraph, leave no doubt" that two parties "do not accept as valid that a political crisis has confrontations and a disproportionate violence of authorities and paramilitary groups" in Nicaragua.

For his part, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell declared today that on Monday, the first day of meetings, the countries of the Lima Group have included the situation in Venezuela and Nicaragua on the agenda.

Borrell added that "everyone expressed concern yesterday" about the Nicaraguan crisis .

"In twenty-four hours or forty-eight hours, things deteriorated a lot, we thought it had stabilized and not only did it not stabilize, but it got worse, "said Borrell on the first day of the meeting.

His Belgian counterpart, Didier Reynders, told reporters today at the end of the meeting that this appointment was "an opportunity to express our great concern about the situation at the meeting. Venezuela".

"Many Latin American and European countries have reported, as well as developments in Nicaragua," he said. For the head of the Belgian diplomacy this meeting served to "revive our relations, but also to be able to express the difficulties we face"

"It was very useful that there was had this open and frank confrontation, "he said at a meeting at which, in the same way, the Minister, private secretary for national policies of Nicaragua, Paul Oquist, and Venezuelan Chancellor Jorge Arre were present On Monday thirteen countries of Latin America (Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama , Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) expressed [leur] "concern" about the situation in Nicaragua and denounced the "violation of human rights" taking place in that country .

The main themes of the ministerial meeting between Twenty-eight Celac was a supporter of multilateralism, free trade against protectionism, the fight against climate change, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN and to women's rights

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