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Tokyo, Japan AFP

The European Union and Japan on Tuesday signed in Tokyo an ambitious free trade agreement entitled "A clear message against protectionism" by US President Donald Trump.

"Today is a historic day because we are celebrating the signing of an extremely ambitious trade agreement between two of the world's leading economies ," the Prime Minister Japanese Shinzo Abe, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk in a joint statement

At a joint press conference, the three leaders have emphasized their role as the voice of free trade in the face of US-induced commercial war threats. United

" The signing of this Economic Partnership Agreement shows the world the unswerving desire of Japan and the European Union to become leaders of the economy" We send a message clear that we are making a common front against protectionism " said Tusk, while Juncker insisted that" we are stronger and we are better positioned when we work together. "

The text will have to be submitted to the European Parliament and the Japanese Parliament with the aim of entering into force in 2019. [19659004] Contrary to the EU-Canada trade agreement, to which Italy opposes , the agreement with Japan must not be ratified by all the parliaments of the member countries of the European Union.

– Cheese and automobiles –

The agreement, called "Free Trade Agreement between Japan and the EU" (Jefta), creates a zone of free trade which accounts for one-third of the world's gross domestic product (GDP) and a population of about 600 million people

By European Party, the big beneficiary is the agri-food sector since the agreement determines that 85% of EU agricultural products can enter Japan without paying customs duties .

In other cases, as in the case of beef, tariffs will be progressively reduced. For its part, rice, very symbolic product for Japan, is not covered by the agreement.

Japan undertakes to recognize the designations of origin of products such as Roquefort, Austrian sausage Tiroler Speck, Belgian ham Ardennes or Polish vodka. These products will enjoy the same level of protection as in Europe.

Negotiations on dairy products are particularly complex. Finally, the agreement provides for the elimination of significant Japanese tariffs on various types of European cheeses, although there is a period of transition up to the end of the year. 15 years old.

In return, the Japanese obtain free access to the European automotive market also at the end of a transition period of several years

The text also includes a chapter on sustainable development .

Investment protection was one of the main obstacles to negotiations and

Before heading to Japan on Tuesday, European leaders were in China on Monday for the 20th EU-China summit, also in order to strengthen their commercial relations. Multilateralism is under attack, it's an unprecedented attack since the end of the Second World War, "said Juncker, while Tusk said" we still have time to avoid it. conflict and chaos. "

Trade tensions may soon affect global economic growth, warned the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

According to Junichi Sugawara, a researcher at the Mizuho Research Institute, the Donald Trump's attitude "forced Japan and the European Union to speed up negotiations." And although Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe "has good relations with Trump, with regard to concerns trade, Japan sided with the EU . "

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