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Buenos Aires, EFE

Argentine Football Association (AFA) announced Wednesday through a brief statement that has not yet started "any kind of management" or a dialogue with a coach after the departure of Jorge Sampaoli as coach of Albiceleste.

"The AFA informs that to date no management has been initiated and that no coaches have been discussed, and on July 31, at the time of a meeting of the executive committee, the leaders will evaluate the measures to be taken, "He published the agency on his Twitter account

Sampaoli left the bench on Sunday" agree "with the directors after the 39 Elimination of Albiceleste in the 2018 World Cup round in Russia against the champion, France, who won by 4-3. Diego Simeone, Ricardo Gareca, Marcelo Gallardo, Mauricio Pochettino, Jose Pekerman, Jorge Almiron and Matias Almeyda are presented by the local press as possible candidates.

In addition, AFA officials revealed that they wanted Pekerman or Alejandro Sabella vice-world champion with Argentina in Brazil in 2014, to badume the role of sports director, position currently held by Jorge Burruchaga.

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