Ecuadorian football clubs endorsed Bolillo?


Source: StudioFútbol

Much has been said about the hiring of Hernán & Bolillo & # 39; Gómez to the selection by the Ecuadorian Football Federation and this has generated a lot of tail, mainly because the lack of support from the national environment for this hiring.

There had been talk of a supposed consensus among all the clubs in Serie A and B that was confirmed by the president of Macará, Miller Salazar at Radio Mach Deportes.

But a few minutes later, Rodrigo Espinoza, president of the non-amateur Football Association of Pichincha, denied it on the same station and badured that none of his affiliated clubs No one was consulted on this issue.

The version of Espinoza was corroborated by Francisco Egas, directvo From the Universidad Católica on Radio La Red, there is still a lot of doubts about Bolillo Gómez in the national football.

Miller Salazar "there was a general consensus among the leaders of and B for the recruitment of Bolillo"

– Roberto Machado (@ RC_MACHADO182) July 19, 2018

Rodrigo Espinoza President of the 39 AFNA "I can badure you that no club in our archives has been consulted on the hiring of DT for selection" Machdeportes 92.9 fm

– Roberto Omar Machado (@MachadoRobertoO) July 19, 2018

. @franciscoegas at no time do I know about hiring the technician of the Tri # CóndorVoces

– Radio La Red 102.1FM (@LaRedEcuador) ] July 19, 2018

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