The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Redacción, QUITO

The plenary of the National Assembly, with the unanimous vote of the 115 members of the Assembly present, today approved in a second debate the draft for the protection of the elderly.

The document establishes, among other benefits for these persons, the exemption of 50% of the value of electrical energy whose monthly consumption is 138 KW / hour; from the monthly consumption of drinking water up to 34 cubic meters and 50% of the basic residential tariff of a telephone belonging to the recipient in his country d & # 39; origin.

will be transmitted to the president Lenin Moreno before its publication in official register determines the joint responsibility and the participation of the state, society and the family for

About 30 legislators participated in the debate, while in the bars and inside the legislative chamber, dozens of seniors listened to the offers that this law "only will not stay in the paper. "

Teresa Villavicencio and Edison Lima, leaders of the Extraordinary Assembly of Retirees and Retirees were invited to the tribune of the hall They described today as" historic ". [19659003] "We hope this law will not stay on the desk or only on paper.We want a dignified old age" said Luz Matilde Lucero, 76, of Ambato. (DRV)

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