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Our neighbor celebrates 208 years of independence. It is worth knowing their customs and culture.

Colombia, which is celebrating today the 208th anniversary of its independence, is located in northwestern South America and is a rich country in many ways.

With an amalgam of ethnic and regional specificities that involve social practices, cosmovisions and different cultures that are recognized and protected by the 1991 Constitution, one of the most progressive in the world.

Various Languages ​​
It is a multicultural and multilingual nation, with a white and mestizo population, 87 indigenous ethnic groups, three different population groups Afro-Colombian people and Roma or Gypsy; 64 Amerindian languages ​​are spoken, in addition to the Bandé language, -Raizales of the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Palenquero (communities of San Basilio de Palenque) and Romani or Romanes (Romany language).

Castilian is the official language of Colombia, but the Constitution recognizes that indigenous languages ​​are also official in their territories. The departments with the highest percentage of indigenous are Guainía, Vaupés, La Guajira, Amazonas, Vichada, Cauca and Nariño. There are 710 resguardos located in 27 departments that occupy an area of ​​34 million hectares, or 29.8% of the national territory. Many of these areas coincide with several nature parks.

This population is divided into four major groups: around the Colombian Pacific; the raizales of the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina; the community of San Basilio de Palenque (America's first free city since it got its freedom in 1603) and the urban population that lives in municipal capitals or in big cities. The Pacific Coast population retains cultural practices typical of peoples of African descent. In this zone, 132 collective territories of black communities occupy an area of ​​4,717,269 hectares, or 4.13% of the national territory.

The departments with the highest percentage of Afro-Colombians are Chocó, the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina; Valle del Cauca, Bolivar and Cauca.

Colombia is located in the tropics and has coasts on the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Its territory is 1 to 141,748 square kilometers, to which are added the marine and underwater platform.

Climate and landscape diversity is enormous thanks to the existence of five diverse regions: the Andes, formed by three divisions of the Andes Cordillera; the Amazon region, considered the lung of the planet; the Caribbean region, on the northern coast of Colombia; the Orinoquía, with huge plains and insular.

Colombia is also rich in biodiversity.

It is with Brazil the richest country in terms of species, they are concentrated in the Andean region with nearly 10,000 species, followed by 6,800 in the Amazon region, 7,500 species in the Pacific region, 3,429 in the Caribbean region, 2,200 in the Orinoco region and 824 in the insular region.

In the great Colombian biodiversity, a very important place is occupied by the páramos where not only many unique species live in the world, but they are the source of 70% of the fresh water in Colombia . In addition, they regulate the hydrological cycle, store atmospheric carbon and are biological corridors for a large number of species of flora and fauna. The country has 44.25% of South American paramos.

But this same wealth is a source of weakness, because of the impacts on the environment have such factors as uncontrolled colonization, changes in the habitat (extensive livestock, logging), l & # 39; 39, mining, roads through protected areas); climate change; invasive species (eg, Bullfrog, Aquatic Buzzard, Spiny Reed); on the exploitation of resources; and a big pollution.

Political Map
In Colombia, there are 32 departments (governed by governors); 1123 municipalities (managed by mayors); five territorial entities with a special administration (Bogotá and the port cities of Cartagena, Barranquilla, Santa Marta and Buenaventura); indigenous territorial entities; and the collective territories allocated to Afro-Colombian communities in the Pacific regions.

The state is divided into three branches of public power: legislative, executive and judicial.

Festivals and Fairs
Colombia is also very rich in fairs and festivals that bring together the entire population. Very traditional festivals are combined, such as the Carnival of Barranquilla, the Carnival of Negros and Blancos in Pasto, the Yipao Competition in Calarcá, the Festivities of San Pacho in Quibdó, with more recent meetings but completely positioned among the citizens: the Festival International Theater, Hay Festival, Cartagena International Film Festival; the Vallenato Festival, in Valledupar or Colombiamoda of Medellín. In summary, there are monthly festivals, festivals or cultural meetings in Colombia.

Several acts of independence
The Colombian embbady will celebrate today the 208th anniversary of its independence with two events. The first will take place at 8 pm at the Casa de la Música in Quito, where the famous Colombian tenor Alejandro Escobar will give a recital entitled "Colombian serenade".

The artist will be accompanied by the Orquesta Sinfónica del Ecuador, directed by Maestro Álvaro Manzano

In addition, at the Hotel Dann Carlton Quito will be presented the Gastronomic Festival & # 39; Colombia, tierra de la sabrosura, where you can taste a variety of typical dishes. The main guest is the renowned chef Carolina Jaramillo, come from Cali for this occasion

Finally, Sunday, in English Park, also in Quito, the tenth third festival of cultural integration will take place from 10:00 "Uniendo Fronteras", organized by the International Association of Friends Mira, which will feature prestigious artists, dances and typical dishes.

In other cities, such as Esmeraldas, Tulcán and Santo Domingo de Tsáchilas, there will also be celebrations. (OG)

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