The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The Writing of LA HORA Y EFE

The PAIS movement reports yesterday the appointment of the prefect of Pichincha, Gustavo Baroja, as the new executive secretary. The appointment took place at a meeting held Wednesday in the presence of President Lenin Moreno and Vice President María Alejandra Vicuña.

In the letter, she noted that Baroja's nomination was "unanimously" and that in the session Ricardo Zambrano, member of the Manabí Assembly, was thanked for the leadership of PAIS "at crucial and difficult moments."

According to the statement, the appointment of Baroja "obeys the work done with the bases, the broad political trajectory, the experience"

At the same time, it was learned that the members of the Assembly, Joffre Poma, of Sucumbíos, and Juan Pablo Velín, of Morona Santiago, announced their disaffiliation of the "verdeflex" movement, after having expressed their disagreement with the designation of the provincial directives before the sectoral elections of 2019.

Velín convened a conference press release saying that in recent months there has been a "lack of north" in the conduct of the organization, and that this generates "complex situations in each of the provinces."

Ximena Peña, coordinator of the bloc, recognized that by the proximity of the sectoral elections, the movement undertook a territorial reorganization of its structure. (EFE / RVD)

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