Ecuador and Spain will sign agreements on housing and police cooperation – La República CE


REFERENCE The Commander General of the Ecuadorian Police, Diego Mejía, participates in the signing of the Protocol of Police Cooperation with the Civil Guard of Spain, Friday, September 25, 2015. Photo: National Police

Ecuador and Spain They will sign two Memorandums of Understanding for the construction of social housing and a police cooperation agreement for security and the fight against transnational crime, reported the Foreign Ministry.

He noted that the documents will be signed during the official visit of President Lenin Moreno. Spain next week

According to the Interim Chancellor, Andrés Terán Memoranda of Understanding will be signed with the Spanish business groups Neftan and Coniprom (Grupo Valienti).

The company Neftan will be responsible to construct, with its own financial resources, 40,000 housing units in the framework of the governmental project "Casa para Todos", in the physical spaces intended by the Ecuadorian government

"The initial amount of the project would be $ 500 million " says the official release.

He added that the "Grupo Valienti" is interested in investing in 40,000 housing solutions, a project that requires a billion-dollar investment.

Coniprom, a company belonging to the Valienti group, will sign the agreement protocol.

Terán added that in the visit of Moreno Spain should also sign with Spain the "Convention on Police Cooperation for Security and the Fight against Transnational Organized Crime".

This Agreement aims at establishing the appropriate mechanisms and protocols to facilitate the exchange of information on police intelligence, investigations and the fight against transnational organized crime, in accordance with the indicated that during the visit to Spain, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jose Valencia will accompany Moreno, who will meet the King of Spain and the Spanish President, Pedro. Sánchez

Terán emphasized that Moreno "will be the first Latin American president to be received" by the president Sánchez. EFE

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