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Drafting Committee LOJA

The appointment of Piedad Pineda Ludeña as Deputy Mayor of Loja County on Wednesday, August 9, 2017, at 18:00, (now the outgoing Mayor after the recall of José Castillo Vivanco ) was declared void today, Friday, July 20, 2018, by the Contentious, Administrative and Tax Court, which admitted the unconstitutional claim that Franco Antonio Quezada Montesinos raised at the appointment.

The verdict was read, at 2:35 pm, by Isauro Borrero Salgado, Judge Rapporteur of the Court of Disputes, Administration and Taxation of Loja. The resolution admits that the appointment of Piedad Pineda Ludeña as deputy mayor is illegal and if it intends to remain in office, it could be the object of Criminal charges.

El Dato
The Hora He tried to be late to obtain a criterion of Piedad Pineda, but until now, we have not received an answer.
Monday, July 9, the trial of Quezada Montesinos was reinstated as deputy mayor of Loja. "We are asking for a right that corresponds to citizenship and that this administration has constantly violated all acts of the mayor who has already been dismissed," said the mayor that day.

"I have always been Deputy Mayor of Loja and what they democratically gave us during the polls confirms it.I am the most voted council member and that has allowed me to access the vice mayor's office at the inaugural session as determined by Article 317 and not in the middle of the period as there was a recall process, "says Quezada Montesinos The award will be notified in writing and if the defendant accepts a vertical and extraordinary appeal such as the cbadation, the verdict can not be executed, but Max Ochoa Jiménez, lawyer of Quezada Montesinos, explains that the meeting of Wednesday, August 9, 2017 was illegal and the acts that have been performed are illegal.

"Who is the real mayor is Mr. Franco Quezada Montesinos and he has shown it in the judicial field. If a cbadation resource is proposed, the gentlemen who violate the right of Franco will have to comply with the corresponding legal proceedings because, according to the COIP, it is an usurpation of functions, "says Ochoa Jiménez. (NAZ)

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