Santos hosts at the FARC ex-guerrillas congress – La República CE


Photo courtesy of the United Nations showing Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, while he was delivering a speech on peacebuilding at UN Headquarters in New York (United States of America). United States) today, April 24, 2018. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos today told the UN that his country's experience shows that it is "possible" "to put an end to the most complex conflicts and to repair the wounds caused by these conflicts. EFE / Evan Schneider / UN / ONLY EDITORIAL USE / PROHIBITED SALE

The Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos today welcomed the members of the former guerrillas of the Republic FARC that for the first time arrive at the capitol, installing the last legislature as chief of state.

"FARC Congressmen: Now that they have laid down their arms, now that they have agreed to contribute to the truth and welcome to transitional justice, now that they have sworn to respect our Constitution and the norms and principles of our republic, welcome to this temple of democracy! "Santos told the ex-guerrillas.

Santos today installs the session of the Congress elected on March 11, of which five senators and an equal number of representatives in the House nominated by the political party are Revolutionary Communist Revolutionary Force ( FARC) by virtue of what was agreed in the peace agreement signed in November 2016.

In his speech, the president, who will hand over power on August 7 to the elected president, Iván Duque, stressed that the Congress that will dictate the laws for the next four years "is a multicolored congress, a pluralistic congress" with "a balance between the political tendencies of right, center and left, with all its nuances."

" Here they are for the first time five senators and five representatives of the Revolutionary Power of the Common Party born of the demobilization and disarmament of the FARC ", Santos said, adding that it must be admitted that "many will not like to see them in this scenario of debate and civility."

"In my case – and I'm sure this is shared by Millions of Colombians – this fills me with satisfaction yes Glo has been fighting with weapons against the state and its institutions, today he submits to the Constitution and Colombian laws, as we do all ", he said

and other features" testify to the good moment of Colombian democracy. "said the head of state.

The President added that & ## s & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 39 "he is hopeful to know that under the commitment to appear before the Special Justice for the peace (…) new members of Congress and members of the FARC they will fulfill the promise that their leader Rodrigo Londoño has expressed so many times: from now on, his only weapon will be the word. "

" We can not agree – and I am not – with his ideology, "he said. FARC " but that's the reason democracy: to solve differences by the debate of ideas and not by violence. "

The bench of FARC in the Senate is composed by Iván Márquez, P ablo Catatumbo, Victoria Sandino, Carlos Lozada and Sandra Ramírez , while in the Chamber the seats will be occupied by Byron Yepes, Jairo Quintero, Marco Calarcá, Sergio Marin and Olmedo Ruiz EFE


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