The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Carlos Freile

For some time now, some of the students from the institution where I was teaching caught my attention by writing "God", too, with a little letter. Then I noticed that teachers did it too, with high level university degrees. All atheists. But in this area, it is not just about faith or theology. In 1906, Federico González Suárez, Archbishop of Quito, wrote: "This is not the history of Ecuador, it is the spelling: would not it be natural for children to ask the following questions to the lay teacher: why the word God is always written? with the capital D? How will a name be written, when that is the proper name of a saint "How do you write that same name, when is the name of a city?"

No, it's not theology or belief, it's the # 39; spelling. This modest chronicler does not believe or worship the pagan deities, but writes Jupiter, Pachacamac, Huitzilopochtli, Poseidon, Thor, Amon, Tangaroa and so on, in a long, long list. It is not necessary to believe in the existence of being superior to Christians who in Spanish have a proper name: God, to write it with a capital letter; in the same way we write Yahweh or Adonai or El-Sadday.

The proper name does not guarantee the existence of what is named, as simple as that, otherwise we would write atlántida and utopía, macondo and shangri la; It is a proper name and according to the rules of our language it is capitalized. And point. In the same way, we would have to write with tiny letters the thousands of names produced by the fantasy not only of the different peoples but of all the writers of the world: I already see a professor of literature who writes God as the name of the deity of Christians he meets a remarkable Don Quixote in a test.

With all due respect for the opinions of others, it seems that sometimes, by sitting down freely, caressing free ignorance or, rather, because many know perfectly what they do, free fanaticism. Or the free pose, which is worse. It happens that by decreasing the others we lower ourselves.

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