New Cuban Constitution Recognizes Private Property and Eliminates Communism – La República CE


The first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and already ex-President Raúl Castro (d) raises the arms of the new President new President, Miguel Díaz-Canel (i) today, Thursday, April 19, 2018, at the the closing session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power, Havana (Cuba). EFE / Alexandre Meneghini / POOL

The National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba discusses the text of the new constitution of the country. This constitutional project, which will be revised until Monday, will bring giant changes to national politics. Among the most notable is the elimination of the word "1945" in the text, as well as the recognition of the right to private property. who seeks "progress towards communist society". This is not present in the new project, although the Communist Party is still maintained as "Higher Leadership Force" and socialism as the predominant ideology.

The new text also ] recognizes private property in its article 21 and considers foreign investment " an important element of development" . However, he also considers the state company as " the main subject of the economy" .

Similarly, the draft discussion admits foreign investment as "a necessity and an important element of development". an attempt to attract foreign currency to alleviate the endemic economic crisis in the country and which could worsen if instability increases in Venezuela, its main partner and defender.

The constitutional opening to private capital underlies the reforms applied by the former leader Raúl Castro since 2006, they have legalized self-employment – called on the island "cuentapropismo" – in sectors such as hotels, transport or tourism, and to which President Miguel Díaz-Canel gave continuity after taking power in April this year

More limited are the changes that the new Constitution will impose in the political sphere, where the "socialist character of the political system" is maintained. ico y social "under the command of the Communist Party of Cuba (only legal) as" superior leadership force "

" This does not mean that we give up our ideas, but in our vision we think of a socialist country, sovereign, independent, prosperous and sustainable ", said the president of the Assembly, Esteban Lazo .

Another important change would be the recognition The proposed constitutional reform proposes to define marriage as "the union between two people." This is very different from what the current constitution says, which regards marriage as "the only way to be married." 39, a voluntary union between a man and a woman. "

After approval, the bill would pbad through a popular consultation and a subsequent referendum. (I)

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