"The Colossus of Prora", from a Nazi retreat to a tourist paradise in Germany – The EC Republic


In an area where pine forests meet long white sand beaches, the long strip of buildings with hotel complexes known as the Prora was declared a German National Heritage in 1994 because of its historical importance under the Hitler regime. 19659002] Prora was conceived as a recreation and rest area for working families by the Socialist National Union "Fuerza a la Alegría" which, between 1933 and 1945, dealt with the vigilance, the structure and the Uniformity of free time of the German population.

In this way, and through the construction of the tourist complex, the Nazi regime sought to guarantee the loyalty of the German working clbad while motivating it to continue working hard to preserve the system.

Today, however, resorts or luxury apartments are striving to replace buildings with clbadic finishes and gray colors characteristic of the era nacionalsocialis

Ulrich Busch, son of the famous singer and communist actor Ernst Busch, who participated in the Spanish Civil War alongside the International Brigades, is one of those responsible for this facelift of "I often wondered what could be done with Prora, "says Efe the promoter Busch and responsible for the brand" Prora Solitaire ", which today gives its name to the group of apartments Occupying block II of the giant of architecture

Busch, which submitted a request in 2004 for the acquisition of blocks in possession of the German state for the purpose of building tourist apartments, will eventually rehabilitate a total of 350 apartments, of which 130 are in an aparthotel.

The 350 apartments that it rehabilitates are part of Block II of the huge construction, which is made up of seven other blocks, where "In the 90s, the whole complex was declared National Heritage and it There have been many discussions about what could be done with, "recalls Busch, who has always said that" the Nazi social component badociated with the place he had to disappear. "

This was influenced by "personal history" and the "precepts" of Ernst Busch, his father, a figure who visited Europe during the turbulent years of fascism, in the manner of the writer Victor Serge or the journalist Ilya Ehrenburg, who came to work in the Soviet Union for Radio Moscow

Singer of German versions of great anti-fascist hits such as "No pasarán", "Bandiera Rossa" or "Venceremos", Busch father defeated against Franco and happened to go through the Gurs internment camp of the Vichy regime in the south of France.

The fate of Ernst Busch, who returned to East Germany after the war to scream working as an artist, contrasted in those years with Prora's luck.

E the complex, whose design had been awarded in 1937 with the Grand Prix at the Universal Exhibition of Paris, became a barracks under the German Democratic Republic and after the reunification fell under the responsibility of the Bundeswehr, the German Federal Army.

Over time, Prora became a set of "rotting" buildings, recalls Busch Jr. Gray, "on which many thought" that he was too tall or horny and that he was not returning "

Few remain today of these monotonous and abandoned blocks, in which military training has given way to investors, and apartments, commercial areas or penthouses overlooking a 7-kilometer beach without the presence of the swastika EFE

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