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The "Apangura Puma" advances through the forest taking the feathers left by the hawk, to change places and give direction to his lair. The young women did not hesitate to follow this wrong path and there began their misfortune.

The evil hunter took them as wives to the two girls and they felt disappointed and dirty. That moment, they felt the rejection of all and in their desperation to get rid of this bad emotion, they went to the great spirit of the forest, "Arutam", who has eternal youth, and asked to help them "purify themselves".

They gave this supreme being the idea to make a plant of them, so that both are useful to all the inhabitants of the region and that their bodies are cleansed and accepted by people.

After experiencing all the history and knowing the deception that these girls suffered, the great spirit took pity on them and decided that the blonde girl should become a plant of "… Manduro & # 39; or achiote, on the other hand, the black hair girl has been transformed into the emblematic tree Huito (Wituk). (DLH)


About the Shuar People

° This nationality is considered since ancient times as a warrior people.

° Previously they had the habit of performing the rite of reducing the head of their enemies, known as "Tzantza". in order to preserve it as a war trophy.

° Currently, they have a population of about 110 thousand inhabitants. 19659012] ° The Shuaras are located in the provinces of: Napo, Pastaza, Morona Santiago, Chinchipe Zamora, Sucumbíos, Orellana

° Their language is Shuar-chicham, which belongs to the Jivaroan language.

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