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The ex-influential president of the right Álvaro Uribe leader of the party of the elected president of Colombia, capitulated to the Senate, after being bound to a criminal investigation for "I feel morally prevented from acting as a senator and at the same time defending my defense." For this reason, I renounce the Senate of the Republic and request that the resignation be accepted, "said Mr. Uribe in a public message.The Congress Guidelines

The Decision of the Supreme Court, in charge of judging the members of the Congress, shakes the ranks of the future ruling party 13 days after taking power Iván Duque, Uribe political dolphin (2002-2010)

L & # 39; former 66-year-old popular president, founder of the Democratic Center Party was sworn in last Friday after obtaining the highest vote in the legislatures. [a] ativas de march.

However, justice had it in the crosshairs following a case that dates back to 2012.

This year he filed a complaint against the legislator of the opposition Iván Cepeda before The Supreme Court of course conspired with false witnesses [1945] 9009] to try to involve in the criminal activities of right-wing groups who fought for dozens of years against leftist guerrillas

. he refrained from prosecuting Cepeda, but opened in March a previous investigation against the exmandatario under the same suspicion: manipulation of the witnesses against the opponent.

In a statement, the court said that Uribe would be called to an investigation for corruption and procedural fraud "allegedly committed after February 16.

" The Supreme Court of Justice has gathered evidence that The Uribe and the legislator of the Democratic Center Álvaro Prada, involved in the same case, declared:

The law punishes with eight years of imprisonment the crimes for which the former president will be investigated, the most influential politician of this century in Colombia who, through Duque, has managed to regain power for the most critical right of the process of peace with the FARC guerrillas dissolved.

"We express our solidarity with the former President Uribe and his family at this time and we are sure that his honor and his innocence will prevail", said Iván Duque to journalists , accompanied by Vice President Marta Ramírez.

In addition, the elected president expressed his respect for "the constitution and its institutions". guarantee the presumption of innocence of his political mentor.

Defense and strategy?

Uribe has always defended his innocence in this case and denounced "political pressures" and "p. eriodísticas "for justice to condemn."

"They paid witnesses against us, the court knew, exercise my right to dismount these testimonies," said the exmandatario, who under his government faced the illegal tapping scandals at magistrates, journalists and the opposition.

The investigation that abruptly interrupted Uribe's tenure in the Senate originated in a lawsuit opened against his brother Santiago for homicide and links with paramilitary of the extreme right in the 1990s.

Throughout his career, the Exmandatario has defended accusations that bind him to these groups, partly motivated by hard-line politics that he applied against guerrillas left.

Paramilitaries were demobilized after a series of human rights abuses, and several of their commanders were extradited to the United States for drug trafficking.

The Supreme Court now seeks to determine whether Uribe has tampered with witnesses who confused Senator Cepeda, as suggested by telephone intercepts.

"Uribe has missed delays, pretexts, it's time to face his responsibility," said the opposition to Semana magazine.

Barely known the decision of the court, began to circulate speculations on the alleged Uribe maneuver to waive the Senate to dodge the action of the Supreme Court, which judges graduates, and submit to the charge.

"I congratulate @CorteSupremaJ for this courageous decision that reaffirms that no one can be above the law, we hope that the announced resignation of Uribe in the Senate does not prevent the Supreme Court from continuing to Advancing this investigation, "he writes on Twitter José Miguel Vivanco, director for the Americas of the NGO Human Rights Watch

At present, the defense has endorsed the will of the government. former president to clarify his situation before the magistrates.

"We will continue as always, that everything He was quick to investigate, he has never diverted justice, he is more interested in clarifying everything as soon as possible," said one of the Uribe's lawyers, Jaime Granados.

Jaime Lombana, also a lawyer, who represents Uribe in other cases, denied the alleged maneuver.

"The competition remains in the hands of the Supreme Court, regardless of the resignation of the Senate and will simply follow the investigation," he told AFP. [ad_2]
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