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Last minute orders and a scope sent by the executive prevented the report from being approved yesterday as planned.

After a session full of interruptions and long waits, the Economic Development Committee postponed, Monday or Tuesday of next week, the final vote on the report on the partial veto of the executive to the economic law.

Two last minute requests aroused controversy and, in one of the cases, even the indignation of lawmakers. Thus, a delegation of representatives of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) arrived with the request to amend one of the clauses of Article 7 of the Regulation. The reason for this is that, as established, the possibility of paying commissions to 600 coercive lawyers is open as a result of the debt referral process.

This aroused the annoyance of badembly members such as Mercedes Cuesta, Fernando Burbano and César Rohon, because the order arrived at the wrong time and it was not explained to them that these commissions would be subtracted from the 189 million that should be collected in the IESS.

Request from the Presidency
The other request was that in Article 2 of the Regulation re-include the possibility that companies that suffer losses for two consecutive years may benefit from the removal process , which would mean that the members of the badembly should, in this part, be ratified in the original text.

and after an interruption of more than an hour and a half, where Esteban Albornoz (Chairman of the Commission) went to an emergency meeting with Elizabeth Cabezas (President of the Assembly) The session was suspended with the argument that the presidency has returned a possibility to the veto.

In this context, Albornoz explained that this scope should be badyzed, but that there is a consensus to eliminate 90% of the 66 objections to be ratified in 7 articles of the law approved by the Assembly. (JS)

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