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GUAYAQUIL editorial

Camila Romero says that it was a very good experience to have achieved with promotion to Group 1 of the Fed Cup US Zone.

The 19-year-old "tricolor" tennis player won the Danielle Thompson Weekly La Bahamas (6-3.6-3) finals, in a tight commitment that lasted more than an hour, to the National Tennis Club's "Main Port". Later, teammate Charlotte Paredes did the same for Karrie Cartwright

Romero confessed that they faced a tough opponent, but that they did their best as a national team . The goal was still promotion but, before the duels, he did not imagine that they would end up with the champions trophy.

The national captain, Raúl Viver, asks him for serenity and to do what they have practiced. Romero believes that his services have prevailed, since they have become his strength. In addition to the positivism with which he faces every challenge. "I fought all the time, I tried to be as focused as possible, Raúl's words were important at every point," he said.

Just one week before the tournament, he was working with his team-mates Charlotte, Rafaella Baquerizo and Marie Elise. Casares "I have come with individual preparation for several months, I have even played at other tournaments, one of them in the United States, which even me. helped a lot to raise my level, "he said.

The training is done at different stages of the day. An hour and a half in the morning with Viver. Then two hours at the Andrés Gómez Academy and finally polishing the physical part, in addition to supplementing it with a good diet.

Another of his pbadions is journalism, which is why he is currently studying social communication. From the age of eight, he practices white sport, since he has already seen his father Antonio Romero, who has done it for a hobby and since then he has love.

Among the most beautiful moments that tennis gave him, he mentions the first time that he won a tournament in France at the age of 13 years. That's when his love for this discipline grew, but also when he qualified for a World Cup (team) in 2015-2016 in Mexico. The bad ones, remember that when he wanted to play professional, he had no rankings, so he had to win three main charts, but that did not work out as he wanted. (SJMS)

Biographical Characteristics

° Names: Camila Andrea Saquel Romero
° F. Nac: Guayaquil 5 October 1998
° Sport: Tennis


] In tennis, you do not always reach what you want, when you want it, but with effort and work you can conquer good things. " Camila Romero, tennis players [19659015] [ad_2]
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