Nearly 23,000 Nicaraguans fled to Costa Rica


The United Nations reported that the majority of those fleeing Nicaragua fled to Costa Rica, where at least 23,000 Nicaraguans have been attempting to obtain asylum from the beginning d & # 39; in April.

The number of asylum applications lodged by Nicaraguans in Costa Rica and other countries has increased exponentially, "said UNHCR spokesman William Spindler. a press conference in Geneva

According to UNHCR, "Costa Rica has received the highest number of asylum applications, but Panama, Mexico and the United States have also registered a tendency to the increase in the first half of 2018 with a significant peak in June. "

With regard to Costa Rica," there have been about 8,000 asylum applications submitted by Nicaraguan citizens since April and some 15,000 People made an appointment to register later because the national treatment capabilities are out of date, "added Spindler.

UNHCR wants to increase the number of applications in Costa Rica from 200 to 500 per day. in the country of Central America to provide protection and badistance to thousands of Nicaraguan refugees.

Since April 18, Nicaragua has been embroiled in a socio-political crisis in which thousands of Nicaraguans have protested against the departure of the president. Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, and in which the repression of "parapolice" forces made more than 300 dead

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