Moreno appoints Marcelo Jaramillo as Minister of Education – La República CE


Villa Marcelo Jaramillo. ARCHIVE 2015.

The president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, today instructed the Ministry of Education of Ecuador Villa Marcelo Jaramillo after the resignation of Fander Falconí last week due to disagreements with next year's budgets.

By the decree number 576, Moreno temporarily orders the portfolio. Marcelo Jaramillo, a judicial career, and who until now has served as deputy minister of education under the orders of Falconí.

Previously, he had been a member of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, which he had left to deal with legal issues of the Ministry of Education as legal coordinator.

Moreno accepted the resignation of Falconí, who decided on November 23 to resign before the presidential announcement of cuts for next year in the education sector.

"As I do not agree with the reduction of Ecuadorian public education in the 2019 state budget, I am stepping down from these important functions.Let history give the last word" he explained. EFE


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