Chiki Guerrero: "I'm not stupid to sell myself after all that I've lived in the LDU"


Source: StudioFootball

Fernando Guerrero, midfielder of the Quito University Sports League, met this morning with colleagues from THE VOICES OF THE SOCCER FM SPORTS AREA about the controversial deportation he suffered last Saturday against El Nacional.

There are rumors that it has been sold and the & # 39; Chiki & # 39; did not understand it well: "I never imagined signing a contract until I made one with a club, I am upset by so much speculation, my head was hot and I apologized. to my teammates ".

"Montaño was looking for me, he insulted me and my family, these are football things, I do not think it's for direct red.I want to be a champion of La Liga, I will not be too stupid to sell me after everything that happened here with La Liga, "added the midfielder of" King of the Cups "of Ecuador.

"Outside the courthouse, I'm a normal person, I spend a lot of time with my family, I can not sleep these days, because I'm not as if I was being sidelined. that the team is doing well tomorrow, we want to continue fighting in the stage and avoid the final, "he added.

Then he added: "You learn from your mistakes every day, you have to manage your head well because we are playing very important things, there has already been a reconciliation for renewal, the first option will always be for the league. but I want to be a champion. "

Finally, from his future, Guerrero condemned: "I have a contract with Leones Negros de México, it does not depend so much on me, my employer or the League, they also decide".

Note from: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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