Michelena said that the government would respect justice in the case "Diezmos Vicuña" – La República CE


Quito (Pichincha), January 8, 2018.- The President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, led the ceremony of changing the guard of the group of presidential escorts. The president was accompanied by the new Vice President of the Republic, Alejandra Vicuña, and other national authorities. Photo: Eduardo Flores / Presidency of the Republic

The secretary of Communication from EcuadorAndrés Michelena, said today that the prosecution of the country's vice president, Alejandra Vicuña, for allegedly asking for contributions from her employees while she was a legislator would respect the law and pointed out that Lenin Moreno's government respected the independence of powers.

"I think the president is very clear"Michelena told the media in brief statements to the National Assembly about alleged "donations" that a former Vicuña councilor reportedly denounced as "demanding that his salary be paid to his political group". , the Bolivarian Alliance. Alfarista

And he claimed that Moreno, since coming to power in May 2017, has engaged in a "reinstitutionality" that covers "The separation of powers and respect for the different functions of the state", with which the Ministry of Finance must decide.

But he insisted that "The vice president has, as well as all Ecuadorian citizens, the full right to defend himself in court."

Vicuña was reported to the prosecutor's office "Competition and influence traffic" opposition politician Andrés Páez, who allegedly received illegal donations from one of his former advisers while legislating between 2011 and 2013.

As reported on Monday the Teleamazonas TV channel, one of Vice President's advisers, Ángel Sagbay, reportedly paid part of his salary as an alleged contribution to his political group, Alianza Bolivariana Alfarista (ABA).

Yesterday, the Vice President rejected these accusations and declared that they were obeying an alleged plot of extortion against her and to a campaign to discredit the work of the Moreno government by the opposition and with the complicity of some media.

He also announced that he would file a complaint with the Office of the Prosecutor in order to prove the alleged extortionist scheme that would exist against him, and asked: "Who wants political chaos, who wants a political crisis in the country?"

In his statements, Michelena stated that he had met the vicu "Express the president's messages in person"and badured that the "president did not have a personal meeting" with her, but only "A telephone conversation".

And he repeated that Moreno defends "the independence of justice and functions (of the state)" and that "If there are, in this case, some charges against the Vice President of the Republic, the competent organs and authorities will act according to the law". EFE

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