Dependence internet games affects the brain impulses men, according to the results of an investigation presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.
This type of addiction, known as Internet gambling disorder (IGD, in English), is characterized by the compulsive To play online at the cost of leaving out other aspects of life.
The research, which involved 32 men and 23 women with IGD, concluded that there were differences between the two bades and that, in men, brain activity observed in functional magnetic resonances (fMRI ) was affected.
While men presented regional alterations at a level of neurological development, women showed no similar effect.
Among these changes, the researchers highlighted a lower brain activity in the upper frontal turn and in the prefrontal lobe, which are the ones that determine impulse control.
"The use of the Internet is an integral part of the lives of many young adults and the loss of control of their use could have several negative effects", Said senior author of the study, Yawen Sun, Department of Radiology Ren Ji Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China).
A prefrontal cortex that does not work properly could lead men with IGD to be more impulsive, which could escalate into addiction to harmful substances.
"Men had lower impulse control levels than women, and their impulse controls were gradually increasing and increasing," says Yawen Sun. EFE
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