Moreno delivers 1,400 social housing units in Manabí and Esmeraldas – La República EC


Quito (Pichincha), October 18, 2018.- President Lenin Moreno led the meeting with the members of the National Council of Ecuador's Parish Governments in order to strengthen the national dialogue with these local governments and to promote the citizen participation of all sectors of the country. : Marco Miranda / Presidency of the Republic.

On Monday, the President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, delivered 1,400 social housing units built as part of the government-wide "House for All" mission, in different jurisdictions of the country, during a ceremony that took place. 39, is held in the Andean province of Imbabura.

The houses were built in the coastal provinces of Manabi and Esmeraldas, as well as in the Andean regions of Cotopaxi, Pichincha and Imbabura, and were built on the community model, according to a statement from the National Secretariat for Communication (Secom).

In the act of delivery have participated Moreno and the chairman of the Interinstitutional Committee of the Plan "Lives a lifetime", Rocio González, wife of the president, and took place in an urbanization of Atuntaqui, in the township of D & ## Antonio Ante, at Imbabura.

The head of state explained that one of the pillars of this plan is the creation of a community and not just housing. "The greatest satisfaction we can have is knowing that we are helping to strengthen the family unit," he said.

And he recalled his campaign offer to deliver 325,000 homes during his tenure.

"The goal is ambitious, we have never built 50,000 homes in Ecuador and we are proposing 325,000 and we are going to do it. We must achieve this, at least we must get closer to the figure, "said the president.

Secom's statement indicates that until the end of 2018, thousands more homes will be delivered and 82,000 more for each of the next two years.

Moreno pointed out that housing construction created more than 9,000 jobs and establish a relationship at the national level stated that the increase of 14,000 new affiliations to the Social Security Institute meant that " these citizens were in stable employment ". EFE


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