Announcement of a meeting between German, Russian, French and Turkish leaders to tackle the Syrian conflict | NTN24


German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Friday that preparations were under way for a meeting between Russian Presidents Valdimir Putin; that of France, Emmanuel Macron, and that of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which is scheduled for October and which will focus on the Syrian conflict, especially in the stronghold of the opposition of Idlib.

During the visit of the Turkish President to Germany, the German Chancellor said that "our goal is to settle the situation in Idlib among the four, which remains very unstable".

Merkel spoke of Turquí's role of "great importance" in finding solutions to the Syrian conflict and defended the agreement between the European Union (EU) and Turkey in the field of refugees, since The country is hosting millions and this has helped to stem the arrival of asylum applications on the territory of the community in the midst of the migration crisis that erupted in 2015.

Merkel said that "we are keeping our commitments", while Erdogan thanked Germany for the support received on this issue.

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