Rescalvo: "What was seen on the ground is not the result of chance, but of work"


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Source: StudioFootball

Ismael Rescalvo appeared in front of the media, where he explained how he saw the actions of Emelec. "All the parts are different, we understood in the badysis that we should not fall into the situations of imbalance one after the other. All the changes took place with the intention of how the game was played, it went as planned. "

The Spaniards recognize that revenge will be complicated, but that they will seek a ranking with conviction. "We had to create a game that prevented the opponent from playing. The most remarkable thing is that the team is aware that we are playing with an advantage that we will try to increase in Brazil. The team knew that to win today, you had to create a smart game. "

Rescalvo praised one of the items that came back to the property and answered more than. "The team seemed more comfortable with the procedure and what the opponent did. Bagüí has ​​marked a line for young people and that is an example, he could give us a lot of things and that was the case. What has been seen on the ground is not the result of chance, but of work ".

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