A family of murdered journalists called "mockery" receives data in Ecuador


Relatives of the press team of the newspaper El Comercio kidnapped last March in the border area and murdered in Colombia, today called "mockery" l. declbadified information received a few weeks ago by the Ecuadorian Government. Although they already had the information in their possession, family members had access to it today, at a private meeting, before a team from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Human Rights (1945-1993) (IACHR), arrival in the country.

Ricardo Rivas, brother of Paúl, the murdered photographer, said that there were no documents of operations, nor reports on the Crisis Committees, "nothing" that, according to him, serves new information

" I think the whole country should feel mocked to be an act of the highest level to show absolutely nothing which creates more doubts than the certainties ", added Rivas .

Cristian Segarra, son of Efraín Segarra, the driver of the truck in which the press team was mobilized on March 26 in the area of ​​Mataje (Esmeraldas province, border with Colombia ), stated that declbadified information is in fact public documents. " This is a lack of respect and sensitivity to this case ", emphasized Segarra

According to relatives, the information provided by the state consist of two annexes, one of them are notes of condolence from the government and the other part are notes that can be downloaded from the website of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 19659002] They badured that they will not give up until they know what really happened with the newspaper's journalistic team El Comercio "murdered and they insisted that they will request information from the case to Colombia.

s The Ecuadorian and Colombian governments, the journalist Javier Ortega the photographer Paúl Rivas and the driver Efraín Segarra were abducted on March 26 by dissidents of FARC, commissioned by alias "Guacho" while conducting media coverage on the northern border.

This group of dissidents is also credited with the kidnapping and murder of Katty Velasco Pinargote and Oscar Villacís Gómez an Ecuadorian couple who had traveled to the coastal province of Esmeraldas, in northern Ecuador

The IACHR team who will be in Ecuador until next Friday, will hold meetings with the authorities and institutions in charge investigations.

Today, the Acting Ecuadorian Chancellor, Andrés Terán, has received the IACHR Task Force formed by the Vice President of the Organization, Esm. Eralda Arosemena and the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression, Edison Lanza

In addition, by the expert of the precautionary measures team of the IACHR, Luz Adriana Camargo. EFE


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