A member of the CNE has acquiesced in the decision of Cpccs-t – La República CE


Ana Marcela Paredes and Mauricio Tayupanta. Photo: CNE

Ana Marcela Paredes, one of the five members of the National Electoral Council (CNE) dismissed by the Council for Citizen Participation and Transitional Social Control (Cpccs-t), was the victim from a descent the decision of this institution.

"I call for the resolution" of the Cpccs-t "concerning the termination of the functions of the directors of the CNE.I am dismayed with the hope that new decisions will contribute to the democracy in the country " Paredes wrote on his Twitter account.

The plenum Cpccs-t has now ceased the five members of the CNE consider that there were several irregularities in the procedures of the electorate.

In addition to Paredes, among the members of the CNE licensed are the president of the agency, Nubia Villacís, as well as Paúl Salazar, Mauricio Tayupanta and Luz Haro.

On Twitter, the ccpc-t indicated that after an evaluation process, it had determined that the CNE was "failing in its obligations and acting arbitrarily".

Moreover, this "attributed functions to cancel political movements". his obligation to provide reliable administrative procedures " said.

In this social network added that the report of evaluations of the authorities concludes that the CNE " did not respect The Debt management parameter of public resources, when irregularities are found in several contracts. "

The appraisal report also indicates that Cpccs directors have ceased in previous months" had conflicts of interest when appointing authorities He added that the CNE had violated its obligation to publish information relating to the For this reason, among other reasons, the Plenary Council of Citizen Participation unanimously decided to terminate the functions of the five directors of the CNE and put an end to their mandate, even if the people concerned always have the opportunity to challenge the decision, according to Efe, a source of the electorate. EFE

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