A musical festival brings together a crowd in Rio to demand the freedom of Lula – La República CE


The "Lula Libre Festival" an unprecedented musical concert by 42 well-known Brazilian singers, including the famous Gilberto Gil and Chico Buarque, gathered a crowd today in Rio de Janeiro to ask for the the freedom of the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

The concert completely filled the tourist spot of Arcos da Lapa, in the center of Rio de Janeiro, and clearly indicated the mobilization from a large part of the artistic clbad in defense of the former head of state, imprisoned since April 7 to serve a 12-year prison sentence for corruption.

The artists took turns to sing the slogan "Free Lula" in a cultural and political act in 19459006. Defense of Democracy and Against the Arrest of the Former President " they considered a "political prisoner" and victim of persecution by judges who condemned him "without proof" to prevent him from returning

The event was also used to propagate Lula's candidacy , who intends to challenge the presidential elections in October despite being imprisoned, who faces six other lawsuits because it is virtually invalid because the legislation vetoes the aspirations persons whose conviction has been confirmed by the courts of second instance, as in his case.

Despite these obstacles, the former head of state is the favorite to win the elections and the latest polls attribute to it favoritism. 33%, more than double its main rival, the far-right MP Jair Bolsonaro (15%)

The event was opened by the Voadora Orchestra in the afternoon this Saturday and in the box the various singers were relieved and groups, among which the sambists like Beth Carvalho, Jards Macalé and Noca da Portela and representatives of the Brazilian popular music such as Chico César and Ana Ca

The Predictions from its organizers, including Workers Party (PT) of Lula, end Sunday at dawn with the expected presentations of Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil, two of the historical representatives of popular music Brazilian, who have never hidden their favoritism for Lula and who played together for the last time in 1973, during the military dictatorship.

Gil, one of the fathers of the cultural and musical movement known as tropicalism, Despite the climate of peace demonstrated, some protesters staged incidents when electoral prosecutors appeared to confiscate flags and leaflets with propaganda Election, which is prohibited by law to just under three months of October Elections

Among the confiscated campaign materials was an inflatable doll representing the exmandatario.

In the box they also appeared some PT leaders, such as the president of the formation, Gleisi Hoffmann, and Senator Lindberg Farías, as well as trade union leaders and allied parties and leaders of social movements

The music festival has finally succeeded in mobilizing mbad activists. of the PT after other calls in defense of the freedom of Lula that

t + rajo to few people in all Brazil. EFE

Commander Che Guevara … Cultural Festival #LulaBook no. DF. Vem !!!! pic.twitter.com/4Npxz4Jk5G

– Erika Lula Kokay (@erikakokay) July 28, 2018

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