A new campaign against violence that kills three children a day in Mexico – La República CE


REFERENCE | Photo taken from the Universal

The Save the Children organization today launched an awareness and awareness campaign on the impact of high levels of violence on the 39, childhood and adolescence in 19459008 Mexico a country in which three miners die every day for this cause

[# SinNiñezNoHayFuturo highlights the truncated dreams of many minors because of the violation of their rights and also underlines how the lack of conditions worthy of children and adolescents have a negative impact on the future of Mexico

According to the NGO Mexico is one of the countries that invests the least in early childhood and the impact of violence in the Mexican economy equates to 21% of gross domestic product (GDP).

Save the Children calculates that for each peso ($ 0.05 res) for children, the society would save between 7 and 21 pesos ($ 0.4 and $ 1.1)

" Extreme situations children and adolescents in Mexico are mortgaged, said María Josefina Menéndez, executive director of Save the Children in Mexico

Therefore, Menéndez said that "we can not allow children and adolescents to grow up in a environment. insecure, exposed to dangers and without the dignified living conditions they deserve. "

Save The Children, which pays attention to 400,000 minors throughout Mexico, will focus its campaign on the reduction of violence through a culture of peace, improving the conditions of life to prevent the migration of minors, eradicating child labor and marriage, and helping miners to rebuild their lives after natural disasters.

campaign a is an adaptation of the video "Survivors", rewarded by two bronze lions at the Cannes International Lions Creativity Festival, which aims to raise awareness of the realities faced by millions children and adolescents in the country 19659003] Graphic pieces were also produced in which dreams of children for their future (astronaut, firefighter and doctor) are gathered, and how these dreams can die when the circumstances appropriate es to keep them are not

Similarly, it consists of infographics, radio spots, pieces of cineminute and other materials, says Efe sources of Save the Children.

As the organization recalls, Mexico City occupies the forefront of violence among the countries that make up the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and every day in the the country three minors victims of violence die.

The children and teenage victims of violence are victims of organized crime or of corporal punishment and badual abuse suffered at home, at the time of death. school or in the street " We had computer courses and suddenly shots were heard in the area where we were . colleagues was injured . In my community, people think that violence is common and that it should not be like that "said a girl with Save the Children.

According to the NGO, the violence is also very present in the migratory routes that cross Mexico, especially in the cases of children who travel alone and who are attacked by the immigration authorities or who remain in shelters who are not ready to take care of them

According to Save the Children, minors are arrested and abducted and end up being exploited badual abuse, human trafficking and organ trafficking.

In addition, the 7000 unaccompanied children who are repatriated Mexico from other countries each year, returning to their communities, they face humiliations for their return to a situation of poverty and the possibility of being recruited by organized crime.

The report also notes that 3.2 million children and teens work in Mexico, that 18.2% of adolescents aged 15 to 17 work in hazardous jobs and that 3 out of 10 work more. 36 hours a week

One of the most vulnerable situations is that of girls affected by child marriage, since 80% of them are married to much more couples Older than them, "Many of these marriages," says Save the Children, "are based on the belief that marriage will grant girls economic security against poverty. "After guaranteeing protection, health, housing and education, we must deal with the economic situation of families and the need for them to reactivate their source of income," Menéndez concluded. EFE


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